Salam Kepenatan,
Heheh..Actually baru balik from BootCamp 1st day training n sgt2 memenatkann..So, xnk citer lame2 for diz entry. Just to update something jer..
Its all about Wedding ring for En.Tunang.. At the first place, we both didnt plan to have a wedding ring for him as a gift. But suddenly, en.Tunang request to have one as a symbol yg dia dh kawin.. Ecececece..nice man la u nii..but the sad things is, i have to buy la kannnn..waaaaa, xaciii..huhuhu.. tp xaci2 pun, im the one who soooo excited to survey for the ring such as type of ring, brand, affordable price & design..hehhehe.. Coz i know guysss are so lazyyy about this stuff..
So i pun survey2 & googling.. Mula2 i define what type of ring yg guys can wear..Cz guys xleh pakai emas at all..Even 0.000001%..hehhe.. Like Suasa (hope im spell it right).. Some kedai propose to us Suasa n inform us that guys can wear suasa coz the mixture of Gold is lower & acceptable. But we just listen first la kan..but then, i did a quick survey with myfren & google and SAH guys cant wear Gold tauu..regardless la white gold ke, yellow gold ka..
So,what type of ring yg man can wear mcm like silver or Sterling silver 92.5% or Platinum (mahalll tauuu), titaniumm, palladium, stainless steel n etc la kott..xtau byk sgt psal Jewel2 ni..So based on survey, My fren suggested to buy a silver one coz ikut Sunah Nabi but its purely silver ok.. 92.5% silver is not pure tauu..sbb ada mixture dgn metal lain2..
Tp saya nk yang 92.5% nyer silverrrr..sbb murahhh..Platinum xmampuuu..baik i beli emas untuk iiii..hehhehe..Btw, i like guy ring yg jenis ada batu2 besar yg mcm datuk2 pakai kan..wahhh, nmpak kelakian gituuu..but depends far ada jer jumpa tp mcm xkisah la ada batu ke xder batu, yg penting cincin laki ni besar n lebar..xnk la halus2 mcm gurl2 kan..xnice plak rasa..
Now, brand plak..haaaa, dh usha2 far yg ada silver ni cumer certain2 brand jer yg ada mcm Tiffany & Co, Bvlgari, Mont Blanc, Poh Kong xsure ada ke x..lagi brand aper dh xingat..So saya dh usha kat Tiffany & Co, Silver + Titanium :RM1050..nice kan dat price..Platinum de RM8K++..super duper nice kann..hahahha..Cumer xsempat nk usha Bvlgari n etc..Sabtu ni plan nk gi pavillion sbb kat pavi yg byk kedai2 jewel..
Dh bgitau kat En.Tunang pasal T&C, design pun nice..price pun nice coz lebih tggi dr harga cincin & rantai kawin saya nnt kkk..GREATT..hehhee..but xper..still got time to survey..
Hope we can find the right oneee..Heheheh..Amin..
Update: Me & En.Tunang went to Empire last few weeks ago and manage to found a sweet ring for Him at Selberan..Titanium lagi..n definitely at our affordable cost.. Think wisely Mam..
dear,nak tanya berapa ya harga cincin kat selberan tu utk lelaki?
ReplyDeleteDear..u masuk butik tiffany n co harga paling murah dia brp
ReplyDeleteDear..u masuk butik tiffany n co harga paling murah dia brp